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Help Centre

Frequently Asked Questions: ConsumersDeliveryMerchants

Our FAQs ensure a seamless experience for consumers, delivery and merchant partners alike.
Simplifying the process for everyone involved, explore now and get all the information you need.

Customer FAQ
Tailored for
Savvy Shoppers.

Discover quick solutions to your queries on ordering, payments, tracking, returns, promotions, and more.

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Merchant FAQ
Elevate Your Success on Habeeye

Unlock the secrets to success as a merchant with insights on listing management, fees, promotions, stellar customer support, and tracking your performance.

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Delivery FAQ
Embark On A Rewarding Journey

Embark on a rewarding journey as a delivery partner with expert guidance on joining our elite team, seamless assignments, secure payments, safety protocols, feedback channels, and top-notch customer communication.

Learn more