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Affiliate / Partner Program Terms and Conditions

Thank you for interest in joining the Habeeye Affiliate/Partner Program. We value your dedication and look forward to a mutually beneficial partnership. Please take a moment to review the terms and conditions of the program. Once both parties have signed the agreement, it will be legally binding in the courts of the Republic of Somaliland. Kindly proceed to the “Please read the below terms and conditions.

Ardeotis Digital Solutions, DBA: Habeeye, a company registered in the Republic of Somaliland with the company registration Number: SVC-003269 and the registered address is: Street 2, Almis Village, Hargeisa, hereinafter referred to as the (“Service Provider”).


The Service Provider and the Partner will be referred to as the “Parties” and individually a “Party”

1. Overview

These Affiliate Terms include all the terms and conditions that apply to you when you join Habeeye’s affiliate program (the “Affiliate Program”). The purpose of these Affiliate Terms is to enable you to earn affiliate commissions by referring customers to our services as outlined in this document.

2. Enrollment in the Affiliate Program

(a) Completing the Application. If you have not yet done so, it is necessary for you to register for the affiliate program. The Application can be accessed at  

(b) You are responsible for ensuring that your information, including your email address, is always complete, accurate, and up-to-date. We may send communications to the email address linked to your account. You will be considered to have received all notifications, approvals, and other communications sent to that email address, even if the email address associated with your account is no longer current.

3. Affiliate Responsibilities

As a member of Our Affiliate Program, you acknowledge and agree to the following:

(a) e have the authority to determine the policies for customers referred through the Affiliate Program. Individuals who become customers of Our Services through referrals made in the Affiliate Program will be considered Our customers at Our sole discretion. All terms, rules, policies, and operating procedures that apply to Our Users will also apply to these referred customers. We reserve the right to change Our terms, rules, policies, and operating procedures at any time, as further described in Our Terms of Use and any other terms We may post from time to time.

(b) You are prohibited from promoting Habeeye through paid advertising or media buying that leads directly to the Habeeye website (located at ). This means that you are prohibited from using your direct referral link to run advertisements on platforms including, but not limited to, Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Bing Ads, and LinkedIn Ads. Habeeye retains the right to suspend or terminate this agreement and withhold funds in your account if You promote Habeeye using the aforementioned Paid Advertisement Platforms.

(c) You must not incorporate our company name, brand name or any variations of it in your Domain Names or Social Media pages: It is not permissible to register or purchase domain names that include Our company’s name or any misspellings or variations of it for the purpose of running affiliate promotions. Additionally, you are prohibited from featuring Our Company name, variations of it, or replicating the appearance and style of Our own social media pages on any social media platforms (such as a Facebook Fan Page) where You conduct affiliate promotions.

(d) You are responsible for the content on your website: It is prohibited to promote our content on a website that contains any form of misleading, defamatory, obscene, illegal, bigoted, pornographic, or other offensive content as determined by us.

(e) You are prohibited from engaging in cookie-stuffing practices: It is not permissible to employ techniques such as cookie-stuffing or click-generators that set tracking cookies without the user genuinely clicking on the Referral Link. Artificially generating clicks or impressions on your site, or creating visits on the Habeeye site, whether through the use of robots, software programs, or any other means, is strictly prohibited.

(f) You must not imitate our media and content: Affiliates must ensure that their media does not replicate or resemble the appearance and style of the Habeeye website, or create the impression that their media is a part of our company’s website. Additionally, it is understood that using the language found on our pages verbatim is not permitted, unless it is used to describe the content found on any specific course landing page.

(g) You must not use spyware, malware, viruses, or similar tools: It is prohibited to include Referral Links or other Content on your site that utilizes spyware, malware, viruses, or any software application that has not been expressly and knowingly authorized by users prior to being downloaded or installed on their computer or other electronic devices.

(h) You are required to maintain transparency and honesty regarding your relationship with us. It is prohibited to misrepresent or exaggerate the connection between you and Habeeye, or to imply any relationship or affiliation with Habeeye or any other individual or entity, unless expressly permitted by this affiliate agreement. You may not present yourself as an agent or employee of Habeeye, nor claim to have the authority to enter into contracts on behalf of Habeeye.

These Affiliate Terms will commence and take effect upon our acceptance of your application.

4. Affiliate Commissions

(a) Eligibility: Except in jurisdictions in which such a transaction is not permitted, You are eligible to earn affiliate commissions through Referrals (as defined in section (b) below) during the term of these Affiliate Terms, according to the calculation described below.

(b) Payment of affiliate commissions will be made on a monthly basis: Payments are disbursed via & eDahab by default.  If Your account is terminated due to a violation of these Affiliate Terms, We reserve the right to withhold all future payments owed to You.

(c) Change of Payment Method: Habeeye offers payment to Partners through it’s native payment solution, Wise & eDahab by default. However if you prefer, you must inform Habeeye via to notify us to make the change on our internal systems.

(d) When a referral uses your affiliated link and subscribe to any of Habeeye’s plans, the standard referral rate you will receive  is 10% of every transaction up to the first three months. While the referral is paying for Habeeye services. This applies when the referral decides to upgrade their plan to a higher plan as well. When a user, for any reason, stops paying for Habeeye services, Habeeye will stop paying commissions to You.

(e) Affiliates are responsible for any and all charges, fees, taxes, exchange rates, surcharges, and other expenses incurred in order to receive affiliate payments. Please check with your receiving banking institution to find out if any of these apply to your account.

(f) If We determine that payment of affiliate commissions to You in any jurisdiction is illegal under any laws, then We may reserve the right to not pay affiliate commissions for any sales made in that jurisdiction.

(g) You will not earn commissions for free signups and installs: Habeeye offers a free plan as well as paid plans. Habeeye will not pay any commissions for free signups and installs on Our website unless the referred user decides to “upgrade & subscribe” to Habeeye and make a financial transaction.

(h) Self-referral is prohibited: If you use your referral link to signup and subscribe to a plan on Habeeye, you would not receive a commission for that transaction or any upcoming transactions related to that account.

(i) Compensation for Referred Traffic

Provided that you install and use the Links correctly, your compensation will be based on the net revenue that’s generated for every verified sale. For a sale to be verified, we process all referral  The compensation, referred to as the “Fee,” will be determined according to the attached Schedule of Fees.

The Fee will be adjusted for each Completed Transaction in the following cases:

(a) If the Company issues discounts, credits, or allowances,


(b) If there is a chargeback against the Company for a previously credited payment.

The Company reserves the right to decline a purchase made by any individual at its sole discretion. You will not be entitled to any Fee if the Company decides not to complete a transaction with someone who accessed the Site through a Link on the Affiliate Site. The Fee for each Completed Transaction will be paid to you on or before the last day of the subsequent month. There is no minimum payout requirement.

All Fees will be paid in U.S. Dollars. However, if you are required to submit specific documentation for tax and other governmental purposes, payment of the Fees may be withheld until such documentation is completed.

SCHEDULE 1: FEES (Check all that apply)

 For every successful transaction, you will receive a commission of  10% based on the net revenue.

Other: Please refer to your Partnership Manager

Habeeye is not responsible to pay any Fees in the event you do not use the Links provided by the Company without modification or you do not properly install those links, meaning the traffic will not be properly tracked to reflect that a customer came from the Affiliate site or other properties.


5. Licenses

(a) You grant us a non-exclusive, non-transferable, and revocable right to use your names, titles, and logos for advertising, marketing, promoting, and publicizing our rights under these Affiliate Terms. However, we are not obligated to advertise, market, promote, or publicize.

(b) We both agree not to use each other’s proprietary materials in a manner that is disparaging or portrays the other party in a negative light. We each reserve all rights to our respective proprietary materials covered by this license. Either party may revoke this license by providing written notice to the other party, terminating our engagement under these Affiliate Terms and your affiliate status. Except for the license granted in these Affiliate Terms, we each retain all rights, titles, and interests to our respective materials, and no rights are transferred to the other party.

6. Disclaimer

We do not make any explicit or implicit representations or warranties regarding Habeeye. Any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a specific purpose, accuracy, reliability, and non-infringement are expressly disclaimed and excluded. Furthermore, we do not guarantee that the operation of our website will be uninterrupted or error-free, and we will not be held liable for any consequences arising from interruptions or errors.

7. Limitations of Liability

We will not be held liable to you for any matter related to these Affiliate Terms, including but not limited to contract, negligence, tort, strict liability, or any other legal or equitable theory, for any indirect, incidental, consequential, special, or exemplary damages. This includes loss of revenue or goodwill, anticipated profits, or lost business, even if you have been informed of the possibility of such damages. Furthermore, regardless of anything stated in these Affiliate Terms, our cumulative liability to you arising from or in connection with these Affiliate Terms, whether based on contract, negligence, strict liability, tort, or any other legal or equitable theory, will not exceed the total referral fees paid to you under these Affiliate Terms.

8. Indemnification

You agree to compensate and protect Habeeye, its employees, representatives, agents, and affiliates from any claims, lawsuits, actions, or other legal proceedings brought against them as a result of or arising from any claims resulting from your violation of these Affiliate Terms. You will cover all costs, damages, and expenses, including but not limited to reasonable legal fees and costs awarded against or incurred by us in relation to such claims, lawsuits, actions, or proceedings.

9. Termination

Habeeye or you have the authority to end our collaboration as described in these Affiliate Terms. Either party has the option to terminate these terms, with or without reason, by giving written notice to the other party. Written notice can be in the form of an email.


10. Modification

We may revise these Terms to provide clarity on our practices or to incorporate new or different practices. This could include changes to Referral Fees, payment procedures, Affiliate Program rules, Referral Specifications, or Referral Materials. Habeeye reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to modify and/or make changes to these Affiliate Terms at any time. If there are any significant changes to these Affiliate Terms, you will receive an email notification informing you of the updates. The modifications will take effect on the day they are posted, unless otherwise stated. If you find any modification unacceptable, your only recourse is to discontinue your participation in the Affiliates Program by refraining from promoting Habeeye and closing your Affiliate Account. You can do this by contacting


11. Miscellaneous

(a) You confirm and guarantee to us that::

(b) These Affiliate Terms form a legally valid and binding agreement, which can be enforced against you in accordance with the terms and conditions stated here;

(c) You possess complete rights, authority, and power to accept and abide by these Affiliate Terms, as well as fulfill your obligations under these Affiliate Terms, without requiring the approval or consent of any other party;

(d) You hold adequate rights, ownership, and interest in the rights granted to us through these Affiliate Terms;


12. Termination

(a) This Contract begins upon the creation of your link on our site.

(b) This agreement can only be terminated if the Service Provider fails to fulfil the arrangement.

(c) If the Partner decides to terminate or withdraw from the IO before the End date without valid reason, the Service Provider is entitled to the Final price without any right to a refund.

(d) This agreement requires a minimum notice period of 7 days for termination. Notice of termination should be sent via email to the relevant contact. However, we reserve the right to terminate deals earlier than 7 days at our discretion.

(e) Upon contract completion, you are required to remove our banners from your site and deactivate all associated links. Any licenses granted to you will also expire accordingly.


13. Applicable law and jurisdiction

This agreement will be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Somaliland.

If any dispute, controversy, or claim arises regarding this Insertion Order (IO), including its breach, interpretation, termination, or validity, it will be resolved by the courts in the Republic of Somaliland.

Contact Us

If you have any inquiries or feedback regarding our cookie policy and the usage of cookies and other tracking technologies by Ardeotis Digital Solutions, please feel free to reach out to us and email to

Last updated December ’23